Kickoff For November 2, 2020
Welcome to this week’s edition of the Monday Kickoff, a collection of what I’ve found interesting, informative, and insightful on the web over the last seven days.
Let’s get this Monday started with these links:
The modern human mind evolved further and farther back, wherein Gaia Vince argues that so-called modern humans appreared before their migration to Europe, and that the rapid development of our ancestors had a number of factors which had little to do with their geographic location.
Why Is Glass Rigid? Signs of Its Secret Structure Emerge, wherein we learn how researchers, using artifical intelligence, are unlocking the secrets of the perpelxing properties of glass.
The Glassmaker Who Sparked Astrophysics, wherein we’re introduced to Joseph Fraunhofer, whose work in the 19th century helped scientists realize that the universe is expanding.
How did flexible work turn from a feminist ideal to a trap?, wherein Sarah Stoller examines the history of flexible work, and how today’s interpretation of it is anything but flexible.
Automatic for the Bosses, wherein we learn (more) about how automation and surveillance technology are affecting more and more workers, especially ones who work from home.
The problem with perfectionists, wherein Natasha Frost examines how those in pursuit of perfection can actually negatively affect the workplace environment.
Let Each Task Fill Up Your World, wherein Leo Babauta reminds us forget multitasking and do one thing at a time.
The mindset you need to succeed at every goal, wherein David Robson explains that to achieve our long-term goals, we need to think strategically and evolve our thinking as we fail.
How to Be More Productive in a Lockdown, wherein we get some simple but effective advice for doing just that.
And that’s it for this Monday. Come back in seven days for another set of links to start off your week.