Kickoff For April 15, 2019

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Monday Kickoff, a collection of what I’ve found interesting, informative, and insightful on the web over the last seven days.

April is half way done. I’m finding it hard to believe that more than a quarter of 2019 is gone already. Still so much to do, but I’m refusing to live the 1,000 kph lifestyle again. It’s just not worth it.

Let’s get this Monday started with these links:


Big Idea Famine, wherein Nicholas Negroponte laments the focus of modern tech on big money and gimmicks instead of tackling grand ideas and bigger problems.

Anatomy of Deception and Self-Delusion, wherein we’re treated to a thoughtful analysis of Walter Lippmann’s Public Opinion, and learn why people seem to believe what they believe and try to influence what they perceive to be reality.

Memories of an Atomic Childhood in Appalachia, wherein Lindsey A. Freeman recounts growing up in and around Oak Ridge, one of the centres of atomic weapons development in the middle of the 20th century.


To Slow Down Climate Change, We Need To Take On Capitalism, wherein author Kim Stanley Robinson reminds us that the current economic system is doing the environment (or us) any good, and that to save the planet we need to replace that system. ASAP.

How streaming music could be harming the planet, wherein old and new ways of listening to music are compared, and we discover that there may be no one completely green way of enjoying our favourite tunes.

Climate Signs, wherein writer Emily Raboteau joins fellow scribe Mik Awake to explore several art installations focusing on climate change in New York City, and in which she explores that potential and catastrophic effects of those changes to the city.

Odds and Ends

Satori in the Conbini, wherein Noy Thrupkaew shares a paen to junk food as found in the Japanese convenience store, and her frustrations at not finding what she wanted.

Before There Was Internet Paranoia, There Was Lyndon LaRouche, wherein one of America’s greatest conspiracy theorists is (not fondly) remembered, and we learn that what’s new is old again when it comes to spreading wacky ideas and fake news.

As a Fugitive With a Fake Name, I Discovered the Real Me, wherein Emily L.Q. Freeman narrates how she went on the run, and why she stayed underground for as long as she did.

And that’s it for this Monday. Come back in seven days for another set of links to start off your week.

Scott Nesbitt